New York, NY, December 4, 2017 …
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today expressed profound disappointment in the Supreme Court’s decision to allow the most recent version of President Trump’s Muslim travel ban to go into effect while the legal challenges at the Courts of Appeals for the Fourth and Ninth Circuits are pending.
ADL CEO and National Director Jonathan Greenblatt released the following statement:
“Muslim Ban 3.0 is plainly discriminatory, inhumane, and un-American. We are profoundly disappointed and saddened that the Supreme Court today allowed this shameful order to go into effect, at least for now.
America was built on ideals of equality, liberty, and justice. The Court’s order today risks repeating the shameful times in our past when America has turned against those ideals. Closing the doors to refugees whose very lives are at stake has echoes of when the United States refused to provide refuge and turned away Jews fleeing the Nazi Holocaust during World War II.
The Court’s order did not address the legal merits of the most recent version of the Muslim Ban. While this ban is in effect, it will have harmful impacts. We are committed to continuing the fight against this discriminatory policy — and the bigotry and xenophobia on which it is based. We stand with Muslims and other affected communities across the United States, the families being separated as a result of this ban, and everyone committed to the values of religious pluralism in demanding equality.”